“Sweet Dreams”Says the Sun in the day.
“Sweet Dreams” Says God who made the Sun’s Rays.
“Sweet Dreams”Say even the animals who eat hay.
“Sweet Dreams” screams the beautiful bay.
Sometimes sleep is a nuisance to the ears,
seven sad queens wander for sleep everywhere
Sleep is a blessing bestowed from God above
The blessing was an example of his love
“Sweet Dreams”says the sky itself.
“Sweet Dreams”says the sleep,no one else.
“Sweet Dreams”screams the night now.
“Sweet Dreams”Even the Heavens bow.
The kingmen wander for sleep which cannot be found,
It is in our hearts and swirls all around
“Sweet Dreams”say the waiting children now.
“Sweet Dreams”say the farmfields cows.
“Sweet Dreams” is heard today.
“Sweet Dreams” is heard from our God in every way.